We have provided a list of frequently asked questions to assist you with your decision process.
  1. Q
    How do I pay for the groceries if I place an order?
    The current option available for paying grocery totals using the personal shopping service is to sign up for a Sensible Savings account and preload your account with the projected total cost + 20%. When your transaction is complete, your account will be deducted the amount shown on your receipt.
  2. Q
    How long does it take for the coupons to arrive by mail?
    Unless a two-day option is selected, standard mailing arrival times apply. The goal is to have your order placed at least a week in advance to allow shipment of the Sensible Savings coupon packets to arrive before the intended shopping event.
  3. Q
    What is the purpose of the newsletter?
    The newsletter provides recipes based on the items you identify on your grocery list, cost comparisons of the items you identified at several local grocery stores, and a variety of different money saving tips. The newsletter also provides a list of the total savings possible on all items for sale.
  4. Q
    Do I need to keep unused coupons after my transaction?
    The Sensible Savings coupon packet is meant to be disposable. Simply give the cashier the entire packet, as each coupon packet should be able to be used to reduce your overall grocery bill. If a coupon can't be used, just discard it and another coupon packet will be sent out the next time you place your order.
  5. Q
    What method of payment is accepted?
    Credit cards are the only accepted method of payment for all transactions at this time.
  6. Q
    Is a membership required to use the services?
    Any of the Sensible Savings services can be used on a trial by trial basis, without a membership. However, there are additional savings available if you opt for a membership.
  7. Q
    What is the shopping plan?
    The shopping plan provides a summary of the total savings and a list of directions that instruct each customer on how to locate the coupon or savings identified by the Sensible Savings team for the grocery items identified.
  8. Q
    What happens if my savings is less than the service fee?
    The total amount of savings available will be calculated and provided to each customer before their account is charged for that transaction. In the event that there is not a significant amount of savings available for the grocery list identified, the customer should simply not continue with the transaction.
  9. Q
    When do I pay for a grocery order I have placed?
    The customer is required to make a payment to their account while placing the grocery order based on the projected Sensible Savings total of the desired grocery list. As an example: If your projected grocery order totaled $100, Sensible Savings would require a payment of $120 before filling the order.
  10. Q
    What is your refund policy?
    As long as their are no active transactions, Sensible Savings account can be closed and the remaining funds can be refunded back to the credit card associated with the account.
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