Becoming a Sensible Savings member really makes sense! For $60/year you will receive weekly notifications of the "deal of the week" for your local grocery stores*. Additionally, you will receive a monthly shopping plan, full of potential savings based only on grocery items you identify as important to you! (We will notify you when your saving opportunities are found.)
While becoming a Sensible Savings member doesn't completely get you off the hook from going to various websites and I know, I know, clippimg coupons, the shopping plan you receive provides the locations where the savings can be found, saving you both time and money! And being a member also provides discounts on other services you might be interested in.
*Major grocery stores only. Does not apply to all local grocery stores
You want to save money on your grocery bill, but you're just not into clipping coupons. You just don't have the time and let's face it, you don't have the patient either, right? Well, this is the service for you, For $6/week Sensible Savings will provide you, weekly, an envelope containing the available coupons for the grocery items you identiifed as important to you. You don't change your shopping routine, other than going to the mail box and make sure you have your Sensible Savings packet when you go to the grocery store. Simply hand the cashier your envelope with your coupons and watch the savings add up!
With a Sensible Saving membership, this service will only cost $3/week! Please sign up to start saving now!
So not only do you despise clipping coupons and mailing in rebates simply to save a few dollars, you also despise the time it requires to do the actual grocery shopping! The Sensible Savings personal shopping service takes care of your entire shopping experience so you can take care of all the other things requiring your attention.
For $20/order, you only need to provide your grocery list and your grocery items will be delivered to your front door. And yes, we will still search for additional savings on the items you select and apply the savings we find to your grocery order. How's that for saving you both time and money! Sign up to become a Sensible Savings member and get the personal shopping service for $15/order.